
A resources page is a great catch-all place that can serve a variety of uses such as your favorite products, tools, services, and affiliate links. Remember to disclose if any of your links are affiliate links.

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Blog Posts

Business Tools




If you have any freebie resources or downloads created by you then use this space to link up to them here.

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From the Blog


Which Website Platform is the Best for Your Business


How to Get Started With Email Marketing in Flodesk


The Social Platforms Your Business Should Be Active On

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Biz Tools

Use this space to share a few tools you use to run your business. Look into if they have a referral or affiliate program so you can generate a little passive income.


1st month free - THELOVELYGEEK

Website Platform


50% off your 1st year - THELOVELYGEEK

Email Marketing


20% off your 1st year or month - THELOVELYGEEK

Project Management

The Contract Shop

Use referral code THELOVELYGEEK


On Our Bookshelf

This space can be used to share a few recommended books with your users. If you’re an Amazon Affiliate you can use your affiliate links for your books and even link to your Storefront.

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The Team Playlist

Use this space to embed a playlist with your favorite songs. You could also share a few podcasts you’re subscribed to or some of your favorite podcast episodes.